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- Message from the Principal - World Teacher's Day
- Respectful Relationships
- Religious News - Remembrance Day
- Lucas Crowley is heading to SSV Nationals 2023 in Tasmania
- Christmas Donations Fundraiser
- 2023 Diwali Celebrations at OSHC
- Summer Holiday Program At Village OSHC
- ‘Jump In!’, A Night Of Basketball Tournaments
- PSW Summer Holiday Trading Hours
Message from the Principal - World Teacher's Day
Recently we celebrated World Teachers Day - an important time to consider the amazing job that teachers do working to offer children access to an education that will allow them to fulfill all their dreams.
Our focus at St Thomas the Apostle is on the educational outcomes of our students and we look always to find the best ways for students to achieve their goals. This is driven by the efforts of the professional teaching staff who seek to improve their practice in order for children to thrive.
Over the past few years we have significantly altered the way in which the school is structured, how teams plan and work together and the pedagogies (teaching methods) we are using. Today our staff are questioning practice and ensuring it is evidence informed. Decisions are made about how to meet the needs of all children within the cohort based on the evidence collected through formal and informal assessment.
These changes would not have been possible without the dedication, commitment, passion, patience and willingness of the teachers to push themselves, try new things and seek better outcomes for their students.
I thank our teachers for the amazing effort they have made to change the educational outcomes for our wonderful children. The difference you make may not be obvious immediately but like a mighty oak tree starting from an acorn it is the small determined beginnings that create long term growth and success.
Kate Dourley
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Respectful Relationships
At St Thomas the Apostle Primary school, staff uphold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of Catholic
Our commitment statement to child safety affirms our commitment to:
- zero tolerance to child abuse
- listen to and empower children and young people
- keep children and young people safe.
Protection of children and young people is based upon the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, and that the inherent dignity of all should be recognised and fostered.
St Thomas the Apostle Primary school is committed to child protection strategies and procedures to ensure the care, safety and protection of all children and young people in our school and safeguarding children and young people against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse and/or neglect.
Issues of consent, sexual assault, and gender inequality are critically important. Our school, in partnership with parents, guardians, carers and Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) has an important role to play in addressing this significant social issue.
Fostering and maintaining respectful relationships with others is a necessary element of a proper functioning society. Developing young men and women who respect each other’s fundamental rights is central to our aim as a school community and the safety and wellbeing of students.
St Thomas the Apostle Primary school utilises a range of programs to help form appropriate interpersonal behaviours and respectful attitudes among the student cohort, consistent with approaches approved by the Bishop of Sale. This includes the Respectful Relationships initiative, which is part of the Victorian Curriculum.
This initiative supports our school to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours and teaches students how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. The whole school approach to Respectful Relationships helps to embed a culture of respect and gender equality across the entire school community. The resources include age-appropriate lesson plans and activities that help students learn and practice social skills and apply them in a positive way to learning, life and relationships. The resources also include topics on sexual harassment and consent.
St Thomas the Apostle Primary school and DOSCEL takes sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations very seriously, including allegations made by former students. We respond to any disclosures in an appropriate and supportive manner.
Any allegations are acted upon quickly by following procedures for responding to allegations of abuse and assault with the support of DOSCEL Secretariat and relevant authorities.
St Thomas the Apostle Primary school and DOSCEL Secretariat will provide support to any current or former students who are victim-survivors of sexual assault. Students attending St Thomas the Apostle Primary school can receive support from Jen Gulavin, the Deputy Principal (Inclusive Education), Emily Maher or Michelle Caddy, our school counsellors.
If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to discuss something that has happened, please contact Jen Gulavin, Emily Maher or Michelle Caddy.
As a parent, guardian or carer, if you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault and needs support, please contact 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit
You can also access help through
- Parentline Victoria 132 289
- Lifeline 131 114
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Students can access help through
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
- Headspce
All of us must work together to do all we can to address this issue and prevent future harm to any child or young person.
Critically, we must empower the children and young people in our care to participate in what must become an ongoing conversation on the efficacy of existing school Respectful Relationships’ programs, and the priority they are given in schools, and amongst school communities.
Yours sincerely,
Kate Dourley
Religious News - Remembrance Day
On Saturday this coming weekend, the nation pauses to reflect on the sacrifice made during war and conflicts over our history. It was originally known as Armistice Day and it was renamed to commemorate those who were killed in the two World Wars. But we take this day to commemorate the loss of lives from all wars and conflicts.
The beautiful quote that so many people know from John’s gospel says:
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13
The writer of John’s gospel was referring to Jesus in this passage but the same can be said about the courageous people who went to war for their country.
The RSL, or Returned Services League, sells poppies and pins in the lead up to this day, to raise money for the work that goes into the welfare of the men, women and families of veterans. Let us pause and remember them with a view to find ways to peace.
Lucas Crowley is heading to SSV Nationals 2023 in Tasmania
What an achievement to be selected for the SSV 10-12 Multiclass Team for the second year in a row. Here Lucas will represent his school St Thomas the Apostle Primary School in various athletic events at a national level.
Please click on the following links for more inforamtion and to donate Lucas with the cost of the uniforms and fees that are payable to represent the school.
Summer Holiday Program At Village OSHC
Village OSHC will be open from 7:00am - 6:00pm on the following days during the Summer Holidays:
- 18th December 2023 - 21st December 2023
- 8th January 2024 - 31st January 2024
Please note: Village OSHC will not be open on the Australia day Public Holiday (26th January 2024).
‘Jump In!’, A Night Of Basketball Tournaments
'Jump In' is a free hip-hop event created by local emerging artists designed to get local peeps fired up about hip-hop. Whether you're taking part in the rhymes or just want to come down and check out the vibe, all are welcome. Tunes, food, bball, street art and a freestylin' hip-hop cypher competition all in one – Jump In is back for 2023! Presented in partnership with RIDDIM Studios.
Date/time: Friday 17 November, 4pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Bunjil Place plaza outdoor area
Cost: FREE
More info: